
Paulie Gets the Word

Happy Fourth of...oh, yeah. This isn't Summer - its almost...never mind; Some things never come on time.


Just in Case

What is the "Social Responsibility" of an Artist?

Why, a croissant, of course!


A Pin-up Crush

Don't forget to turn the parakeet.


What She Saw

An old cut-up being reused....


You think This is Heaven?

Oldies doing multitasking go here as posts...


Another "Charmander" harvest

What the Renaissance never stopped south of Florence (Thanks to a Japanese franchise for inventing this important American word.)


Missing the Point

It's in error: An old car, a new airliner...


The Iceman's Version

This is one of my pictures I've never been able to figure out: For instance, where should the floor meet the wall? Then there is the question of why I've never thrown the damn thing out - Everyone knows the male member is one thing that refrigeration will not preserve. Perhaps my wishing that packing a sore foot I've been nursing for the past week in ice would provide some relief has given this old drawing a glow in my brain (Its twenty degrees outside).  

Happy Valentine's Day! - The Iceman is as extinct as mammoths.