
I say, old thing, is it getting warm in here or what?

The 12297th Annual Meeting of the Executive Preservation Society will come to order. Mummy has the floor! Is there any old business?


Honey, tell the kids to stop playing with the remote control.

Calling Mr. Picasso!! Hello....Hello?? And Mr. Michaelangelo too! This is where I need some of that "Famous Artists School" advice: black & white & perspective & stuff. More than my last post; This has really been wrapped around inside my brain since last October. Frankie does Guernica!


Take a gander at this piece!

I say, old thing...its The 4th of July. Remember The British Empire?!?! Cultural Imperialism, Ethnocentrism and a whole lot of long words they can't pronounce at Tea Party rallies.

A lot more mummy pixs would be great (too much vampire stuff these days); What we really need is another Lou Costello.


Calling Mr. Picasso!! Hello....Hello?? And Mr. Michaelangelo too! Sorry it has been so long, but Consumerism (the enemy of artists) reared its ugly head, along with political viewpoint and patriotism. Yea, I did some work for the US Census. Also had health issue ect. Anyway it came to me that this portfolio needed a "throwaway line" and this post is the first effort in a series being called God Stamps. All I know is that this blog sure does need a post and its raining now so the grass won't get cut today.

Jesus Christ, they made this?? Holy Shit!


We've been on top of breaking news: Here, for the first time, is a sneak preview of an illustration from the new State of Texas history book! (Who's the News-Dog now?) This could be a rough, but the artist used some tricks....


Contest over! Well, actually not...here's just another point of view on 500 year-old Noah. His dated fashion sense shows.

How was the raindance, honey?


Can you supply a pix that would make this caption go:

"I decided to forget that flood business we talked about and fill the Ark with Bambi's friends from the trailer park."

My artwork coming soon- unless you submit yours (as an email attachment) to my inbox. Humor is the key: Winner will absolutely get their submission licensed on this blog; all entires will be posted on my website .


You like lurid color treatments?

Happy New Year! In Christian-Roman culture this season is a new beginning. For me this is one of those 37 year old scenes that are getting pushed out of the way - digging through my old sketchpads.
I slept through Color Theory, now seriously hopng to push past my ongoing perspective compulsions.